Writing Workshop

Writing workshop begins with a mini-lesson and is followed by guided and then independent practice where students can apply the mini-lesson to their work. In today's mini-lesson I taught students about using a checklist to help edit and revise their work. On the rug, we read the checklist together as a class, and then I modeled how I would use the checklist on my writing. Items on the checklist included checking the word wall to edit spelling, making sure there are capital letters to start each sentence, pictures with labels and speech bubbles on each page, etc. Then, students used the checklist on an example piece, which they later turned in as a formative assessment. During independent work time, students each received their copy of the checklist and used it on their writing to edit and revise. Writing Workshop serves as an opportunity to directly teach and expose students to new strategies and ideas, and then have substantial time to practice and apply this newfound learning. 
